crows & garbage from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
The traffic is phenomenal around here. Everyone is in a hurry, and have important places to be after morning fishing.
passing from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
That wasn't the only thing this week. There was an ATV on the road shoulder, racing with a white car. We were doing 80 km/hour in an 80 km zone. We couldn't keep up.
ATV from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
I am sad to note, they were spraying BTK, again, around the nearby lake. I came indoors.
I am also happy to note that there don't see to be many of them this year, nor are there many where my friends live in Muskoka. They are pretty little things, but so destructive. Most of our trees have recovered. Here are two of the instars. The pine trees look amazing with new needles. It's causing havoc with allergies, the rain might help. I just washed all our railings, too!
I was out back, cleaning and refilling the water fountain, there was a lovely scent. It wasn't my white iris, nor the dogwood. The Wild Grapes are in bloom! Here I was wandering around the backyard sniffing things.
Soon, there will be grapes like this outside the bathroom window! OK, not soon, September...
It's a great spot to bird watch.

I was down in the forest and heard a bird. BIRDnet identifies it as a black and white warbler <= my video of the forest. It was just a few phrases, and the video wasn't great. If the bugs weren't so irritating, I'd do a proper search. That, and the pouring rain we're having. I'll try and revisit it.
Finally, on a tree frog note, this little guy seems to be enjoying the back deck. He is a frequent flyer. Well, jumper. I scared him the other day and he leapt into the Bleeding Heart plants below. Apparently, it didn't bother him. He was back yesterday. Today, he is in hiding. They don't like the rain, the frogs all disappear off the goldfish pond when it pours.
...for the longest time I didn't understand that crows were omnivores.
The wee frog is so cute.
We saw very few LDD moth caterpillars alive. Either they peaked or our cold snap successful caught them before they hatched.
My garden is loving all this rain.
Oh that frog is so tiny!! Enjoyed exploring your backyard with you! It's such a fun time of year "up North" (everywhere but Florida) with new things happening every day. Crows and garbage are a volatile mix here at our Florida home too. our garbage gets picked up every day, you just have to bag it and put it out on the street, which is a nice benefit. But earlier in the season the crows are so bad, for a while neighbors kind of have to take turns keeping an eye on the bags and shooing them away otherwise there will be garbage all over the street until the maintenance trailer comes by around ten. I guess the staff would have to clean it up, but at least on our street, we don't let that happen.
The drivers down here have gotten lots more aggressive since covid. People are so angry.
My you have a lot of bugs to worry about. Ours are a lot more manageable.
I always love the critter reports you give.
80 k on a quad and racing? Somebody needs to turn these fools in before they kill somebody.
The little frog seems quite stoic.
Things are not quite balanced in the local environment if you're having a plague of insects. Crows will be crows I guess. The crow family of birds are all very clever creatures able to learn new tricks. Sometimes us humans never learn new tricks.
People are in such a reckless hurry. If they stop to think, they barely save minutes on a trip that isn’t too long.
That's such pretty bedding. I feel ready for some new but my other is in perfectly good shape, even if old, so I hesitate. That's so cheery!
We have far too many aggressive drivers here, both in the neighborhood and especially on the highways. I feel for you!
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