I'm still watching the bird nests. Phoebes should fledge June 11th.
The robins have gone.
The House Wren is still singing from the top of the flag pole, or from the nesting box, poking its head out.
I was going to use my snake scope to peek in the nest, but the app is no longer working with my OS. I've tried to find a new one but failed. While I was poking around, I noticed a nest in the bush beside the flag pole nest.
The wrens built their nest in the Blue Bird nesting box, you see.
The wood ducks should launch themselves into the wetland any day now. The photo of the duckling is from 2014.

bird on a trailcam from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
crows May 28 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
young buck from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
I think Butch racoon stomps to wake the worms up!
Butch in the meadow from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Hari OM
...d'ya think the wee bird was getting bugs above the camera? I enjoyed that vid clip just for the sound of the rain in the forest... YAM xx
Hello Jenn,
I love the cute baby duck. Cute videos of the Phoebe and the deer.
The fish are pretty too. I have a very vocal House Wren, they are giving the Bluebird a hard time. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.
...you will never run out of critters.
I think it is using the camera as a sitting post, to look for bugs, YAM! They do that in the backyard, too. cheers
I think both you and your trail cam are very observant. It's a shame the trail cam is not a little faster in its recordings. I wonder if you can speed up the ISO like a SLR?
What fun, to see your critters. Such busy little families they have!
I am saddened to hear about the election results. Somehow I always expect better from Canada. But all the critters definitely provide a lift.
The Wood Duck babies will be so cute. I hope you get a pic of them.
I am in awe of all the wildlife you are able to capture. I had to look closely at the deer. She looks really thin and malnourished to me, at least from the little I could see of her.
You asked what ICAD stood for. I explained on the 1st, but see I now need to do it more often. ICAD stands for Index Card A Day. You decorate an index card every day during June and July. Thanks for asking. I'm sure others may have wondered, too.
Lovely critter captures
You have lots of critters if you watch for them . thanks for sharing.
We saw baby wood ducks this week. Aren't they adorable! Love all the variety you see and your banner sure is pretty!
What a wide variety of creatures you have captured in your photos!
best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
No shortage of critters to keep you entertained.
I'm always so amazed by the variety of your wildlife.
We have a fresh crop of ducklings in the water feature of our building here in Waikiki! It's a wonderful series of grottos that they love
Interesting videos as always. Amazing variety of critters you have in your vicinity. Wish I could explore.
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