Saturday 19 February 2022

The Trucks are nearly gone!

Feb. 20 – 170 arrests

Coventry is being emptied Feb. 20th, 5 p.m.. They've made an arrest.

Some have moved east of Ottawa.

UPDATE: Judy Trinh went to Coventry Rd., an encampment, as they were dismantling the site. She began a Twitter thread.

"What appears to be carloads of protesters (maybe returning from downtown?) are doing laps around Coventry lot. They seem to be flummoxed that the supply camp is gone."

One dude with misinformation: "I think all the Ottawa Police is resigned, called in sick... Bad brainwashed people, just don't care about the people."

Police are releasing statements. "Vehicles will be impounded for 7 days."

Feb. 19 – The New York Times was shameful: they were called up on it, and changed the story twice. They didn't march with guns, first day was pepper spray, next day (Sat.) heavy batons. 

People headed for Quebec City. Not good news. Protests in Queen's Park, as well.

At least 76 financial accounts frozen since Emergencies Act invoked: Mendicino

It is good news in Ottawa. No one hurt, no one dead. Fox Fake News has been promoting a story about an older woman getting hurt. She was in the front of the line by someone livestreaming who wanted click bait. The funny thing is they have named her the same name as the person who was presumably killed on Jan. 6th in the US.

Tamara Lich, ringleader, is awaiting a bail hearing result.

"Arrest Randy Hillier" is trending!

A Fox reporter, Sara Carter, is similarly spreading lies.

They saw the highly trained police on horseback, trained in the US, and didn't back off. Several people pretended to be pepper sprayed. They were not. The anarchists are being abusive to media and, for example, the clerk at a hotel in Ottawa.

My MPP ought to be arrested, too. He is inciting them to violence.

Ottawa Police Service (OPS), Ontario Police (OPP), Durham Police, York Police, RCMP, Sudbury, Sûreté du Québec (SQ), Windsor Police, Emergency Response (ERT).

 Still, they keep on trying to fool us. Ottawa just had a major snow storm during the occupation.

Sat., Feb. 19
By 10:30 a.m. they were using pepper spray. The front line has moved, and they are searching abandoned cars, ensuring vehicles are safe using sniffer dogs. 
Police moving block by block, advancing with stick to push people back. 

The media had a really tough time, with that familiar 'fake news' stuff escalating.

🎥 Kamil Karamali (1), reporter, needed police escorts. They were surrounded in their car (2), spat upon.
🎥 Glen McGregor had the same issues, called Nazi. 
Justin Ling reports that a police office, on leave, told the occupiers about the OPS plans, which had to change.
Tucker Carlson continues to spew lies. Fox doesn't care if it is true or not. Beware, people.
Colton Praill was shouted down in the street.

Feb. 16 

Feb. 11 Doug Ford speaking to Pat King


William Kendall said...

It's still going to take time, but it's working. If these idiots want to scream bloody murder about a violation of rights by a government leader, they can look squarely at Harper at the G20 in Toronto back in the day.

Tom said...'s about time.

Lorrie said...

I have been watching much of action on live television - it made me so sad that my beautiful country has come to this. And I am so happy that the occupation is ending.
I read on Twitter that some people are complaining that those arrested have not been read their Miranda rights - duh! This is Canada, not the USA. And I read that someone in Tamara Lich's bail hearing talked about the First Amendment. Again, duh.
Praying for peace and resolution.

Red said...

You're keeping on top of this one. It's a very sad event.

Nancy J said...

The NZ police should take lessons from this, the protestors are spreading from Wellington to other cities, they set up kitchens, classrooms, washing/ shower areas!!!People in Wellington cannot reach their workplace or students access their University Campus!!!Maybe where you are is safer.XXX

Jeanie said...

I've been following closely. It makes me so sad to see this happen in Canada.