Funny story. There were two tweets I followed Feb. 15th. What seems to be the case is that the media believes other news stories, and doesn't fact check. The New York Times confused the old Canadian War Measures Act (1970) with the more recent Emergency Act (1988). The NY Times listened to Rosemary Barton, a CBC TV anchor political specialist. She dissed them totally. The NY Times listened to a well-respected CBC political specialist.
It is chaos in Ottawa. The hot tub was back, and so was the honking. The other situations (Coutts, Windsor, Emerson, Sarnia) are resolved. The sheer numbers of anarchists, holed up in trucks, supported by two separate camps outside the city, outnumber the cops. The local police (OPS), have had RCMP and OPP to ramp up their numbers, and hopefully something will be done today. Quebec has sent police, as well, which is unusual. Police have been handing out warning flyers, occupiers are huddling to plan, and Child Services have been on the move. It was really cold, and EMT was called for a protesting mother and infant who was suffering from frostbite. They are warning people who have brought pets that they would be taken away for 8 days.
Both the mayor of Ottawa, and premier were negotiating with these anarchists. Yet, the only two people who have resigned are two black men, the OPS Chief of Police, and a black member of the Police Board. The mayor replaced two women on council yesterday. IMHO: The mayor is the one who should resign!
The MyPillow guy (Trump supporter), from the US, tried to cross the border with 10,000 pillows and a TV crew. They were turned back, as they aren't vaccinated. They are not rocket scientists!
These are not educated people, nor do they understand law, society or politics, and are being influenced by some anarchist wack jobs who want power and attention. One of the ring leaders appears to be headed to the east coast. Watch out.
King Henry has lost both antlers, on Feb. 16th. I went out again on Wednesday, for over an hour. Nada. First to the backyard to briefly check things out. From there down the hill to the wetland.
...and Rand Paul, a Senator from Kentucky wants this to happen across the US!
I saw a tweet that some have been towed and many ticketed. I think the leaders will be sad when it is over and they have no excuse to remain in their luxury hotel.
Such a sorry state of affairs when so many embrace greed and ignorance.
Hey dear! Loved your post and allready followed your blog, i want invite you to visit and follow my blog back <3
The cats particularly appreciate the fireplace.
I feel so bad for the residents near this occupation.
The felines have the right idea, shut your eyes or else some more bad news might pop up on the TV. King Henry, hope you do not get dethroned now!!!
So sorry Canada is having to deal with the idiots. Don't let those truckers get on to your land! Linda in Kansas
Bloody ridiculous. Good luck on the antler hunt.
I really appreciate your insights into what is going on. Most Canadians, like most Americans, look a scans at these ignorant, dangerous people who are being used by even more dangerous people. I think this is only going to wake up Civic pride and engagement. I love the pictures of the football fans and the report on King Henry. Wishing you all the best, dear friend
I find the Ottawa situation alarming. How can such a few buffoons cause so much trouble.
I can't believe how long it's been since I visited your blog, Jenn. I hate to admit that life and a very sick cat have gotten in the way. I'm trying to catch up, wish you a belated happy Valentine's Day, and enjoy your trail cam photos along the way.
I'm so glad you are keeping me informed about the convoy that has taken over your country. Believe it or not, I get very little info on it, even at the national level and NONE at the local level.
I laughed that they showed My Pillow guy the door. He is such a creep.
I promise to TRY to visit more in the coming days. It all depends on how Squiggles feels. Hope you understand. I'm grateful that you stop by for a visit. Thanks so very much, dear.
Jenn - at times like this, I think heading to the basement to watch football, hang out with the cats and sit by the fire is the absolute best strategy! Good luck antler hunting!
Thank goodness for articulate, professionals like Rosemary Barton who know their stuff, do their research and present it well. I really wish we would stop calling these people occupying Ottawa, protesters. They are anarchists, malcontents, thugs and ne'er-do-wells. The PC party should hang its head in shame for cozying up to them. Most of all, I resent that fact that they claim to be seeking their version of "Freedom" for all Canadians. i can assure you that they do not speak for me.
I don't know if they like football or the coziness of being with JB. They didn't look like they were all that engaged in the game! I have a feeling we will be dealing with the same thing in Washington as Ottawa is now. It makes me so angry. I did have to laugh at the My Pillow guy being turned back at the border. Well done!
I have been watching CTV live in Ottawa for much of the day and am so impressed with the careful and methodical movements of the police. And I am happy that some truckers have chosen to leave. I am a bit nervous about what will happen once night falls. They are not protesters - they are occupiers and MUST GO!
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