Monday 17 January 2022

The bird bath

It's a ⛄SNOW DAY! Today, Monday, we are snowed in with a blizzard. I'm not even going to put out the garbage. Schools are closed, although they are just continuing online. 

Cinnamon spent a good 20 minutes outside in the early morning Saturday in the extreme cold. Eventually he came back in and hunkered down. They keep going door to door, hoping it is nicer out there. 

The day before, in the afternoon, I'd cleaned and topped up the water in the bird bath. Overnight, you can see how much evaporates in the cold. 

I had evidence to the contrary, though. King Henry the buck has a drink:

You Two deer munched on chestnuts and junior had a drink:

We are keeping busy indoors. JB had football on the go. I built him a fire to keep him cosy in the basement. There was tennis on TV, which we watched together, but in between we played curling! This was a birthday present 3 years ago, I think! With the train put away for the season, we have a place for it. curling



Tom said... would be a cold bath outside today here!

Barbara Rogers said...

Had to laugh about your two deer drinking the bird bath water. Here you go putting that nice warm water out for birds, who aren't going to drink more than a thimblefull...and hardly ever take a bath in this weather...and the deer are helping themselves to it! How brash of them!

Olga said...

How nice of the birds to share their bath water with the thirsty deer.

eileeninmd said...


We would need a heated bird bath here, the weather is so cold. It is neat to see the deer taking a drink. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

Karen said...

It's going to be a fun day! If it succeeds in warming up to single digits later I'm going to go walking with my Princess.

Nancy J said...

King Henry and Junior, thank goodness it wasn't frozen and their tongues got stuck!!! Indoor curling, that's a great way to enjoy indoor activity, and the tennis saga, without Novak the Australian Open will be very interesting now all the drama and media hype has finished.Stay safe.And warm.XXX

RedPat said...

Love the deer drinking from the bird bath. I'm thinking about going for a walk later but I'm not sure since we have had so much snow here!

Bindu said...

That curling set is lovely!

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! King Henry is awesome with those antlers and what sweet deer you have come visit too ~ Great videos and Curling sounds fun too ~ Be cozy ~ Xo

Wishing you happy moments,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Cloudia said...

Brrrr! I grew up on the east coast of the US and remember fondly being snowed in. Now I'm pleased as punch to be in Hawaii and see it only in your pictures!

William Kendall said...

The deer are quite at home.

We did get a pile of snow today.

Red said...

Nothing like having fun when you're shut in by a storm. Stay safe.

Angie said...

Jenn - I think snow days are a gift from God - suddenly, all the free time in the world! What an adorable curling game! I have played it once, the real thing. It is much harder than it looks! Stay warm and safe!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It's been so cold here, I have been cuddled with my two cats under the covers with a small heater to also keep me warm. That's part of the reason I haven't been on the computer. I first found out about curling a few years ago at the Olympics. Never heard of it before that.

Enjoyed seeing the deer drinking the water you left for the birds. Such fun to see them.

Anvilcloud said...

Looks like a fun game that I’ve not seen anywhere before.

Jeanie said...

Love seeing the deer in the birdbath. I'm sure they are very grateful! Cinnamon looks like a king there and the game fun. A lovely post to make me smile.