Things have been busy. I had a lovely 65th COVID birthday, all things considered. Thank you for all your best wishes.
JB went all out, as far as he could in these trying times. He planned ahead, as we haven't gone far from the house lately.
We did Facetime with Ottawa. They showed off their loot!
The day deteriorated. I had a couple of anxiety attacks. That didn't go well.
It's really icy after our rain/ice pellets on Saturday. I daren't go out walking, even with my special boots with the built-in cleats. I had to put garbage out this morning, and I backed up the entire 100m driveway, but it was slippy. I was proud of myself. Twas in the dark!
The deer were skidding around on the ice.
The cats went out, they didn't like it much.
In the room the women come and goTalking of Michelangelo.
I am unable to capture the deermice on the video. They have a little hole.

The cats know the mice are there, though.
JB was walking his walk. The young male kept following him, looking for food. Since it was -12 C. or so, he decided to put out a bit of MNR-recipe deer food. Turn up the sound!
It was pretty cold, and one of the mother/son pair of deer were following him. You remember You Two!
17 comments: have plenty of critters to keep you company.
Glad the birthday went well and sorry that it went downhill afterward.
Happy belated birthday!
Hari Om
Oh, I love that these two at least now accept JB's proximity without turning tail! That must be delightful for him. The white does look pretty, but golly, not much fun if you have to be doing much in it... Take care, both of you!!! YAM xx
The animals must all love you guys!
Happy Birthday wishes to you. hope it was a great one!! i love that you made it special no matter what. i think it is how your heart feels ...make it special no matter how you do it. it is amazing how quickly every year that the time flies by ...i always wish or think to myself how to i keep it in my heart. not miss a moment. our weather is so odd ...snowy shots are always appreciated. we had like 70's on Christmas which is totally not what i did wish for. i love snowy weather but we have not seen that in years. LOL!! you take care. ( ;
Hello Jenn,
At first congratulations with your birthday. Nice pictures. Always a nice time of the year.
I am on the 24th, that's always busy but very nice.
What a great movies of the animals you have made.
Greetings and a big birthday hug,
I'm happy to hear you had a mostly good birthday. Love the deer feeding vid. I wish they still hung around our house but they don't like the dog.
Minus 17C, Phew, mighty cold. I heard that in Alberta even colder at -37C, and another friend had to cancel going out as the roads were unsafe with frozen rain. Such is winter travel. Stay safe indoors Jenn, walk carefully, my friends in N. S. have Yaktraks they out ion over outdoor boots as well.And, amazingly, we can buy them here in NZ. The deer, soon JB will have them eating from his hand. Another LOL for your day.XXX
Your videos are nice to see. You gave something for those deer?
Today is freezing rain predicted for the afternoon here.
Belated, Happy Birthday, Jennifer. So lovely to see JB feeding his deer friends and how much he's earned their trust.
The deer are quite used to him.
Sorry to read about your anxiety attack. I have NO idea how youmade it that far with your trash without slipping and sliding. Those boots are like snow tires and chains! Rest and breathe, dear. You deserve it.
65 ain't bad! Enjoy yourself. Sometimes it hard to do but we must keep going.
You've got some friendly deer!
You have some friendly deer!
Happy Birthday!!
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