Tuesday 5 October 2021

Forest walkies

The season continue to unfold. On walkies yesterday, I checked out the wetland. There isn't a lot of water, but enough that I can begin to move the frogs out. Last count, 16, but they are tricky. You can see one under the log, below. I think I moved 22 one year. It a bit of exercise, and I need to find a good bucket, but that might be today's challenge.

I've bought me some pumpkins. I'm looking forward to those seeds!

I line them up on the fence, with orange ribbons. I like it!

Down to the forest. At the far trailcam was a doe. All by herself! She pretty much ignored me.

Here they are wandering off in the distance. It's so peaceful. deer

The mushrooms and toadstools continue to look amazing. I have to be careful where I walk. Critters have knocked them over, some have been nibbled. I don't want to pick any, I don't know them well enough. I'd rather have JB forage in the grocery store!

These are the Five Sisters. A clump of trees in a circle. In the second photo, below, you can see a patch of red maple. 

The colours are so pretty, for now. I do enjoy them. Where trees have fallen, more light shines on the forest floor. 
Cinnamon flung himself up the tree, then came home with me for a rest. Beside him is the tree the bear stripped of bark.

I've put up a couple of feeders. We will see how that unfolds. 

The colours begin, the sumac beside the shed is so lovely. For now. The season is so short!

The coyote   visited the trailcam. It was a bit shy. I should have edited it more, but it returns at the end of the 30 seconds. 

There were two does and a young 'un in the forest. doe and fawn 


 What is it? After dark, I heard a noise. I love me a good mystery. MVI_1156  

Running to Flight Radar, I found out.

A bird or a plane?!


October 2 – new friends


Tom said...

...I have been walking in the forest the last few days and there are mushrooms everywhere.

Anvilcloud said...

From previous years, I can't remember where or why you move frogs. Is it to get them to a place where water doesn't freeze over top of them?

Karen said...

Lots of fungus in the woods these days. We aren't finding anything edible lately. (My Mike is mushroom savy.)
Orang Air is never good. They flew my daughter to Ottawa when she had her never ending epileptic episode.

Jenn Jilks said...

Actually, A/C you are close. The goldfish pond freezes and thaws with climate change. It used to freeze sold and stay that way over the winter. The frogs are better off in the frog pond, where it doesn't thaw in a warm spell, and they stay nice and comfy with their antifreeze.

Nancy J said...

Do you keep the pumpkin seeds for yourself or the animals and birds? down here, there is one special variety that is grown for the seeds, not the vegetable, for people. Quite expensive in the health food shops!!!

Christine said...

Yes must be careful of mushrooms, I even have some in my city yard!

RedPat said...

Very little colour is appearing on the trees here yet.

The Furry Gnome said...

Love those snuggle bears!

William Kendall said...

Trailcams do let you see animals in a way you can't in person.

Red said...

I thought frogs were smart enough to find a place where they would survive over winter.

Powell River Books said...

Mushroom pickers are working here and selling what they find for a little more income. - Margy