Monday 19 July 2021

Yard work!


 First, a non-critter tale. Poor JB had the dropsies last week. He broke two dishes. One was a spoon rest. He ordered a new one from Amazon. It arrived. The box was empty! How weird is that?!

Amazon was no help. He phoned Mikasa. They wanted details of his order, date, order #, etc., which I screen captured for him and sent it in reply. 

Mikasa got back to us the next day and we got our replacement in a week!

LDD moths

I spent some time with my spruce tree. Beginning with the heavy sheers, that was a failure, back to the garage. I tried the long heavy lopers, but they were too heavy and useless, even after sharpening them. 
I tried my dad's old hedge clippers, stopping to sharpen THEM, not strong enough. Finally, I used the long-handled grass clippers. 

Before and after:

The moths are mating, and while I can't scrape eggs off of all the trees on our 16 acres, I could do some. 
After the caterpillar stage, they pupate and change into male and female moths. The females are whiter, and don't fly. The males are a dirty beige colour. 

The females are laying eggs in the crook under the tree branch. Also, on the underside of my spruce. It was awful, really. I fetched some soapy water and scrape it all into the can.

I spotted a monarch chrysalis under a branch of the spruce. Then, I lost it. I kept clipping, and found it again. By now my legs were pretty sore, up and down the ladder. 

Out and about

I saw a cicada on the lower deck. Once, I snapped a photo of a pair mating!

Also, the wood frogs are out of the pond and in the woods.

The goldfish pond now has two green frogs. There are three water lilies, as well. I am so pleased. I even counted all 5 fishies. 


Anvilcloud said...

It is good to spruce the place up, so to speak.

Tom said...

...yard work doesn't end.

Rajani Rehana said...

Mind blowing post

RedPat said...

Hopefully you have saved your spruce.

Nancy J said...

Lovely wee frog on the lily leaf, the trimmed tree is fantastic, well done to finally find the right cutters.

Kay said...

Wow! I've never seen an all black cicada before. Congratulations on the excellent pruning job.

Lowcarb team member said...

Your water lily looks lovely.

All the best Jan

DeniseinVA said...

Oh dear, I often have a case of the dropsies. It goes in spells. Good customer service from Mikasa. I haven’t had to deal with them at Amazon but doesn’t sound too good on their part. You did a great job on your tree trimming. Your posts are always interesting, and I found the photos on the moth very much so, and its information fascinating. Trees in this area have a strange look to them. They are blotched with clumps of dead leaves. In all the time we have lived here I have never seen anything like it. I am wondering if this is the result of the trillions of cicada eggs laid in them? I tried to look it up but couldn’t find anything about this particular problem. We have dead clumps of leaves scattered all over our yard. I enjoyed your frogs also, have been a big frog fan since childhood. Your water lilies are gorgeous! I'd better stop now before this turns into a book :)

Jeanie said...

This is so lovely, your yard. And I really like that beautiful pond. I think trimming trees can be very hard and you did a great job with it!

William Kendall said...

The frog doesn't seem to mind being picked up.