Tis the season of the nocturnal sphinx! Xylophanes tersa Tersa Sphinx A great, long proboscis!

My lovely balloon flowers!
In the night, Olive the doe set off the camera. You can see Butch running in the background! Doe in the night
I shall miss the robins. They took off Monday morning, This is the last video of them in the nest. July 17/18th. Robins
July 19, I was working in the yard and I could hear a juvenile robin begging for food. If you watch to the end, you'll see its parent shove food in its mouth. It was a serviceberry, and it spit it out. No veggies and fruit for the teenager! baby robin
We had a hazy day. There are wildfires in northern Ontario, as well as nearly 300 fires British Columbia.
The smoke is drifting a long, long way. It's over 4000 km and six of the provinces have smoke.
I am hoping for rain to clear us out.
This is predicted for this morning. We shall see! |
Underneath all this smoke are 5 Great Lakes. pic.twitter.com/eDm7ufZLY9
— Anthony Farnell (@AnthonyFarnell) July 19, 2021
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Ontario Fire info maps |
Fire Smoke Canada
This website shows the current smoke across the continent. It's an amazing interactive map.
...the monarch caterpillars are always a wonderful sight.
I have been seeing Monarch Butterflies here this week. The sun last evening was very weird as it looked like a red orb through the haze.
Hari OM
Oh I love all your bug images - and well done on capturing that feeding fledgeling!!! Sorry to read about the fires though. Even the UK is being hit by a 'heatwave' just now. I'm loving it, of course - but most here think the high 20'sC is unbearable. All relative I suppose. YAM xx
Awesome post
I save your blog till I have the time to really read all your posts, Jenn. I like to compare your critters to ours, also your flowers and what you are spying in your neck of the woods. It seems we share quite a lot and thanks for the naming of so many things for me. Those girls are so lucky to have grandparents showing them so much of nature up close as it were. How many kids have held a baby robin, for instance. I think you are setting them up for life long enjoyment of nature, no small thing to instill.
My cousins in the west lost their home to one of the wild fires. It's a bad year for them!
Your amazing trail cameras!!
Your garden is abundant!
We are getting somebody's smoke here. It kind of irritates the eyes.
Not what he wanted to eat or taste!!!~ The smoke is drifting so far and wide, clouding over everything, and I guess the smell too. Years ago when there were huge fires in Australia, the strong westerly wind blew the smoke right across the Tasman Sea to us.
The red sun was knd of beautiful until I realized it was at the cost of wildfires out west.
You do find some very interesting maps.
You wonder what the doe and raccoon make of each other.
The smoke is pretty bad out here. we had a few days in the 8 - 9 reading.
The rain should have helped the smoke. That was quite a downpour, but I missed the worst of it, napping after my early morning.
The smoke is concerning.
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