My plan this week is to clean some. I was going to clean the fish tank (a monthly event) on Sunday, while the sun shone. I realized we've a big storm coming in on the Monday, so I thought I'd wait.

It was a big dump of snow. Actually, it's still snowing! I'll get to it later.
In the meantime, knowing it was going to snow, I went out to the wetland where I saw the coyote on the trailcam [ Coyote Feb 14]. He was eating something. Sure enough. I found it. It was the skull of our the deceased bunny. I found a rabbit's foot once. That cycle of life!
This poor tree!
Cinnamon cat came walkies
This was funny. I saw him, Oregano Feb 14 'd set off the motion sensor lights. I'd forgotten to put out food. He was on the deck. At the end of the video, if you watch, he disappears then runs along the driveway to where ever he hides out.
We got a load of snow down here!
We got plowed out just un time for me weekly grocery pickup in less than an hour.
We got quite a lot of it in the night too.
...we received snow overnight, but not as much as they forecasted.
Trudging in a foot of snow is hard work! We did a little of that this weekend. Love the mourning doves, such a pretty colour. Stay warm!
Oregano is getting tamer,I wonder where he lives during the daytime.
Wow! I am so glad to find 'you' again ~ always enjoy your posts ~ love the doves and your sweet kitty ~ it is amazing the feral? cat has survived ~ Hope you are all well ~ stay cozy and warm ~ Xxxx
Moment by moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Those mourning doves look like they have their down coats on.
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