But first, indoors, I cleaned the birdbath heater. It looks like it could be on its way out. It works well, with an automatic shutoff, as well as turn on automatically feature. It the birdbath dries up it turns itself off, as well. I have ordered a new one, as you never know when it will die on me [
What else can go wrong? Part the 2nd]. This is what the oven element looked like when it fired up and had to be replaced! A little the worse for wear.
I'm proud of this hack. I ordered a new bird bath pump. It isn't necessary, but it keeps more oxygen in the water in summer. They come with that really nice LED light display. The old one had a larger outflow on which my old pieces of tubing fit. This gives it a nice bubble effect. This one is smaller than the defunct one. I took an old syringe, cut off the top, glued it to the pump. We'll see what happens.

It is quick. Don't blink. Fox dec 6 Fox Dec 26:
Did you know it is far more effective if you turn
ON the trailcam before you leave the site? That said, a new trailcam, insert old SD Card. I found a video from June 6th! It breaks the first rule my trailcam mentor Justin cautioned me on, about facing the camera north! It's pretty, though.
Red Fox June 6th:
We had 12 cm snow overnight. I must go out and shovel and refill the bird feeders!
Thanks to Eileen for hosting!
When we talked about what we would like to see, I thought of the red fox. We know they are here but haven't seen one yet. They probably see us though! lol Love your photos and videos my friend! Hugs!
...when I owned my nursery we have a fox that hung around for years. He was welcomed because we didn't have rabbits!
What surprises me most is that it is Saturday. 🥸
It is nice to have the trail cam set up catching all the critters going by. The fox is cool. I am sure your birds appreciate the heated birdbath. We had rain all day yesterday, I am glad it was not snow.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, stay safe! Have a happy weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.
Ha ha ha...I came to that conclusion about turning the trailcam on before leaving the site too, a few times lol...nice hack! :)
Hari OM
I do like these trailcams... all one would capture round here though is gulls and more gulls!!! YAM xx
The snow looks pretty. It is melting and messy here!
Nice to see the fox in the snow. Happy New Year!
lol, yes, that fox was a quick one :)
Like your snowshot. Where I live we only got some slush, I think is the word for wet snow. Not fun at all.
take care!
As you know and show it's very important that birds have water all winter.
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