Well, nothing on the trailcams, except us. I still don't have the setting right on the new trailcam.
A full day of snow, then rain. I've been sitting on this post for a bit. Isn't it nice to see the green?

Someone was harvesting them for something or other. How safe was this??!!
I've been concerned about our frogpond, with the plants growing in the shallows as the water evaporated over the summer. I've found out what it is. A native phragmite.

This is what they look like now.
Then, there are the invasive ones. Our country is getting rid of them. I saw them, they were using a remote tractor.
Many of these invasive things were brought in a decorative garden plants. MNR needs to stop nurseries from selling them!
Hari OM
Rushes are big business over here - thatched rooves require a plentiful supply! Not sure your native shorter variety would work quite as well, but perhaps for basketry? YAM xx
phragmites is the the scourge of the world.
Another danger that I hadn't heard of! Yours are not invasive but they are still taking over the pond so what do you do?
Interesting to know about these
I'm not sure, RedPat! Last time this happened, we had a family of muskrats move in! They piled them all up in push ups, and ate a great deal.
I have a tall reedy plant taking over in my little pond too. But it doesn't form the top that this one does, just stays straight and the same all the way up. Very hard to pull out.
Meanwhile, hope you folks have a good Christmas!
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