It was a damp kind of cold! JB did his morning walk while I did my blogging. I went out to fetch trailcam cards, and spotted feline tracks. JB came back in, and said he'd had a walking companion all around his trail. I could see the tracks once I got outdoors.
I whistled at who I thought was Cinnamon, it turned out to be Nutmeg, and she wasn't budging. However, Cinnamon cam roaring up along the driveway to me. We took a great walk. He's turned into a winter Lanark boy!
Usually, the snow melts quickly off of the logs, and they use it as a transportation route. That morning, however, it was still snowy.
The frog pond is nicely covered in water. It protects all the critters hibernating in the pond.
It's a bit melty, though. Our temperatures are hovering around the zero C. mark.
He seems to know it isn't solid.
It was fun capturing their antics on the trailcam, as well. About 38 sec. in you can see where I went out on the deck to see them. She startles. He just keeps on eating. After the one minute mark, he decided that whatever Momma was eating was best and ambled over. doe and fawn from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
JB went into town for his quarterly Lupron needle at the GP's office in town, and spotted this on an antenna! I love it! He didn't have to have it in the parking lot, or go to the ER. The nurse poked him in the hip. This is good. We're done for another three months.
The cat in the tree is great with those mischievous eyes looking so alert. Bad weather coming this weekend, apparently.
...they grow up quickly.
Looks like we are in for some nasty muck for the weekend. Stay warm!
Cats in the snow. Not what I would expect.
Numerals is that #79??? Looks cold out there, we have snow in the South Island,and it seems that the GP visits are getting easier, specially now that your winter has arrived.
That cat seems to like it out in the snow.
Lovely photographs from your walk.
Pleased that JB's quarterly Lupron needle visit went well.
Your last photograph/look back is adorable.
Enjoy your weekend.
All the best Jan
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