Wednesday 3 June 2020

Book Review: One Tuesday Morning

I knew nothing about the author, but since our libraries are closed, I thought I'd try it. I wasn't sure at first. The author is quite known for religious writing, which I didn't know at the time. The back cover calls her "America's favorite inspirational novelist". It should read "Christian novelist."  The beginning of it is pretty biblical in tone. I was discouraged and nearly put it down. The faith of the characters is intrinsic to the plot, and the character development, though. Eventually, the plot began to hint at the tragedy of the twin towers, there was a bit more action and a mystery. It was worth it. 
 I picked this up in our local little library.  It was at our local municipal office. I was there to pick up garbage bags for Earth Day. I snagged the book there!

This book was a two-in-one. The two books are 600 pages. With my cataracts, my eyes get uncomfortable, and I had to put it down frequently. The first book, One Tuesday Morning (2003), leads up to and looks at the impact of 9/11 in New York. The second book, Beyond Tuesday Morning (2004), takes place primarily in New York's 9/11 Tribute Museum, in St. Patrick's Cathedral.  I hadn't known about this church. Kingsbury did her homework. 

I read it to the end. It was a good read, all told. I was surprised at how soon after 9/11, 2001, she wrote the books. Kingsbury said the plot came to her the day of. She did much research into personal stories, wove them into her plot. She invented a fire house team. It was inspirational, in incorporating life lessons around those who have lost their faith. Along the lines of people who ask, "Why would God let this happen?" 
moving the message to: "choose life" rather than grief and sorrow. The book, "When bad things happen to good people" comes to mind.

In this time of COVID–19, and "I can't breath", those are important messages for all. Asking us to look forward, to let go of pain, and seek to find your purpose in life.

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@Barrie Summy


Tom said...

...those little libraries put a smile on my face.

Olga said...

Nice review. I wouldn't tackle a 600 page book right now because of my cataracts. I have been using my Kindle, which I don't love, but it allows me to increase font size and that helps me read a bit longer.

Linda McLaughlin said...

The books sound worth reading, despite the length. Glad you liked them.

Love the little library. Hope the big one opens up soon.

Cataracts are a pain. I was so happy when I had mine removed. What a difference!

Powell River Books said...

I just read in the Powell River email newsletter that the Kiwanis is going around and changing the books in the library boxes around town. I was surprised, I thought there were only a few, but the list included 20 locations, three of which had only kids books. - Margy

Christine said...

Thanks for these reviews and great advice to let go of pain and try to move on. I hope you can get your cataracts looked at soon.

Angie said...

Jenn - always good to find a book that resonates in many time frames! Enjoy the rest of your week.

Barrie said...

Love the photo of you local little library! I'm impressed you read 600 pages! I'm having a little difficulty staying focused these day. It certainly sounds as this author did her homework, which I truly appreciate. Thank you for reviewing!

Sarah Laurence said...

I love little libraries! I too tend to avoid overly religious books but these two seem worth reading. I hope the time will come soon when you can safely fix your cataracts.