Greens and new growth.

I found a barred owl feather in the forest. Nutmeg is quite keen on it. Both kittens are quite skittish outdoors. They weren't feral, per se. Today was the first time Nutmeg came when I whistled. They'd been let out prior to breakfast.

I found an owl pellet. I might dissect it. These are the little bones Meggie got caught in her digestive system. The Laxatone seemed to work, and she's not throwing up anymore. Thank goodness for the belly x-rays.

I left the wood duck eggs here. I'm not quite sure what to do with them.

I noticed a bug beside the new bluebird nesting box. (No birds have moved in!)

To continue my inspection, the wood frog eggs are growing!

Along the path, a ribbon snake. It was quite cute.

...it is often slow in coming, but always worth the wait.
I need a little letup in the weather. Please. I am tired of going for out daily walk in galeforce winds.
Hari OM
Wonderful... meanwhile, I drove back to the Hutch today. The sun is shining (yes you read that correctly) and respite is here. Joys!!! YAM xx
I noticed some violets out today. When I was a kid we would pick them for Mothers Day so I guess that is the right timing for them.
That is a lot of bones!
Pretty flowers! It does not feel like Spring here!
Have a happy day!
Glad you are enjoying spring on your property. A friend of mine feels so stuck in her mid town Toronto condo these days, they had downsized some years ago.
How wonderful!
I, for the life of me, cannot fathom ANY snake being cute! Wishing I had that owl feather. Lol
Your life is one big adventure after another. I enjoy my visits.
Gorgeous nature photos and love the kitty photo ~ ^_^
Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
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