Friday 17 April 2020

GRAMMA CAMP – Week 5.3

We really had March weather in April, and vice versa.

Our local numbers are still rising.

 Then our Canadian data.


I'll leave this here... the poor USA, Dr. Oz: such a quack. Those in the US are desperate to open up the country.
"Schools are a very appetizing community. I just saw a nice piece in The Lancet arguing that the opening of schools may only cost us 2-3% in terms of total mortality. Any life is a life lost, but to get every child back into a school ... with a theoretical risk on the backside might be a trade-off [to] consider" (75 million schoolkids in the US; spreading the virus to friends and family...)
Speaking of quacks. Then there is Dr. Phil... who compares mortality rates with COVID–19, which is highly contagious.
Our seniors are so vulnerable.

Even my 12-year-old granddaughter know better than this.

Parents are appreciating having kids in school...
We continue to hunker down. We got a lot of schoolwork done in the morning and afternoon. Isabelle finished an assignment, popped it into the 'hand in' folder on Google Classroom. I read the last sentence, "Thank you for this fun work and stay healthy."

Google is making a fortune. As is Facebook. As in a war, there are some who are profiting from this crisis. I'm not sure why they allow the bidding for PPE and supplies.
"The cost of personal protective equipment is skyrocketing -- more than 1,000% in some cases -- as the coronavirus pandemic continues."

Teachers are adding projects for kids to do through Classroom Google. Jos has a weekly schedule.

The frog pond is melted.

I found this online... Isabelle loved it. Jophee was still doing school work. Gr. 7's are supposed to do two hours a day, Gr. 4, an hour. It's so tedious, though. There is so much more time involved in writing a computer response, checking font, checking spelling and grammar. Then, there are distractions: cats, siblings, radio, adults... Motivation is difficult. Error messages, "There was a problem reading an audiofile." The kids are keeping in touch with friends, through the computer.

We did a Pay-Per-View... after all our work was done. It was quite funny!

The kids checked in with Momma, via their iPads. They go home today. I'm done. My eyes are awful. I cannot read small text.


Tom said...

...somethings never change, I remember making crystal as a kid too. Stay healthy all of you happy campers.

Nancy J said...

Wow, you are both managing so well to do fun, learning, snow clearing, trailcam videos, and the meals that need to keep on coming. Your eyes, I cannot read numbers on the TV now, and tend to sit closer there and right up to my laptop screen. and I did get another letter from the hospital last week... " You do not meet the criteria", so we can console each other as the situation deteriorates. My friends families, those with grandchildren, say that doing home school lessons is not easy, some kids breeze through, others struggle, and then a whole family plays Monopoly. 7, 5 and 3, sets it all up, sorts out the money, pays as they go round, this inn itself is a lesson in maths, social behaviour, thoughtfulness, and business practice!!! My friend said it was so interesting to see them play, for at least an hour. We had torrential rain in the night, and a little gift left in the hall for me early on, a tiny mouse, very dead!!! One of my very least fav animals. Take care, enjoy any sunshine that might come your way , let me know if we can do a Facetime visit together, with very good distancing!!!

RedPat said...

You get to rest up to be ready for next week!

Red said...

Your grand kids have a teacher and can keep busy. The two boys across the street from me stay home alone. They are not having a good time even though one is learning how to play a ukelele and the other is learning to crochet.

Anvilcloud said...

I shake my head in despair at what is permitted to go on down south. It’s sickening really.