Today we pick up the girls in Carleton Place for five days of March Break! We'll have them the next two weeks, as well, with schools staying shut.

♩♪♫♬It's the end of the world as we know it!
No chicken. Selling meat faster than they can refill the shelves. Canned goods wiped out. Soups getting hit. Bottled water GONE! Frozen vegetables and fruit just about empty. Whole shelves of spaghetti gone. No sweet potatoes. No grapes.
Everybody calm and carrying on in the stores, though. Everyone has sanitizer on counters. Everyone is using it.

Shauna did some shopping for us yesterday as we begin to try to isolate as much as possible.
It's gonna get worse I fear.
Daffies are a cheery sight and hope for colorful spring. I think the stores should put a limit on purchases. 1 or 2 per customer. People are hoarding and now the shelves are empty. Stay safe and healthy, calm and happy. Enjoy your day, have a great new week!
Hari OM
Having had my grocery order summarily cancelled at the last minutes yesterday, am going to have to brave the outside and go in search of fruit, veg and at least flour to make bread if bread itself is unavailable... sigh... YAM xx
...we all need hope right now, particularly Americans.
It is crazy at the grocery stores and Costco here too.
There is a lot more food there than there was in my local Loblaws on the weekend!
We have stocked up, and even have enough flour and yeast if I have to make our own bread. Some shelves were empty yesterday, but as we don't go to where it is a huge city, should be OK for some time. Necessary outing today to the Dr, and hope to get our next scripts to have on hand and save another visit in a month. I heard your man saying that Canada borders are closed, only goods and supplies can come in. Stay safe and well, enjoy the grandies, we will not see ours for ages now, t hey will not fly down, family not coming, friends have cancelled birthdays, I have enough quilting stuff to last the whole year. XXXXXX
Renfrew NoFrills was pretty well stocked and quiet today. They even had a bit of TP.
We are so lucky that my children are able to work from home. Granted I don't quite know how they're doing it with little ones running around underfoot. $1.5 trillion? What?
It is a strange time we are in.
We generally have a good supply of food in the house and we will boost that a little. We make large batches of pasta sauce and a variety of soups, plus we have rice, so we certainly won't starve. Might ultimately get a little boring I suppose, but the stores will remain open so it's not as though we won't be able to buy replenishments. We get our chicken from a country market and their inventory seemed completely normal when I was in there a couple of days ago.
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