The kids were here Saturday/Sunday. This is Sunday!
We eased into the day, playing with cats. I did bacon and eggs.

Poor Papa, he was back in the office, doing his volunteer work on the phones. The sign says, Green Party, Do Not Disturb, conference in session!

Finally, he was free to go out and play in the sunshine. This time, he and Josee went out, as well as Isabelle.

Josee climbed the tree! (My mother climbed trees when she was young, in Toronto, in the 1930s.)
Both Isabelle, and JL, played the cat and snake game!
Later, we played about some more on the app Anvilcloud told us about, My Talking Pet.
Jos used her little Olaf character.
Isabelle used her sleep toy, B B.
As the kids get older, and technology reinvents itself, they kids use their creativity. There are practical uses, though. Saturday morning, the were on their way here. Isabelle used Momma's phone to post a Glympse map showing where they were and when they would arrive.

Provincial Teacher's Strike
The good news is, the kids are coming back Thursday, Friday, Saturday morning. It's going to be a hostage exchange on Thursday morning in Carleton Place (halfway between us), since it is a provincial strike day Thursday, and Friday is a PD day.Basically, Druggie Ford, our PM Trump baby twin, decimated the province's education system. He cut autism funding, which meant no treatment options. Next, he cut teachers and support staff. He got rid of the progressive, modern health curriculum. Parents, grandparents, teachers and retired teachers are really upset.
This is what the major issue is. And it’s not a “what if” scenario. It’s already happening. My daughter is currently taking a course she never selected because the new ratios have made it so her timetable offers none of the electives she chose. All other courses are full. https://t.co/XsQ0rIlrNB— Mr. Restoule General (@mrrgteacher) February 12, 2020
CBC.ca/newsA friend posted this today. 26 courses affected, many of which are compulsory grade 11 and 12 university level credits. Thanks, @fordnation Keep people uneducated and full of buck-a-beer so you can control them! #cutshurtkids #onpoli #LyingLecce @osstf @OSSTFD20TEACHER pic.twitter.com/KbnRZcoN4L— Melissa Orlando (@MsOrlandoHDSB) February 7, 2020
The labour tensions were presaged by major changes to the education system introduced by the Ford government last year, which included new math and sex ed curricula, larger class sizes, introducing mandatory online learning, and a plan to cut as many as 3,000 full-time teaching positions.
The Conservative mantra never changes. Cut taxes for the rich. Cut programs for everyone else.
I like seeing the kids outside playing. The techie stuff is fun too.
Wishing you a happy day!
Hari OM
You have provided so many joyful memories for your young'uns!!! YAM xx
...grandkids sure can make your day exciting, our 7 and 9 year-old granddaughters can tear the house apart.
Our country seems to be falling apart. Glad you are making memories with the grandies.
Awesome post and fun photos ^_^
Happy Valentine's Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
The cats get along with the girls.
Had the Fords not had a rich father, none of them would have ever amounted to anything. They'd be the drunks at the corner bar griping every night about how everyone else is to blame for the way their lives turned out.
That man is a repugnance. And the fact that the Tories let him waltz in and turn their party into his personality cult is unforgivable.
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