It was a heckuva week around the world. We are having vigils all over the country for those we lost in the plane crash, PS752. Now Iran admitted they did it. Beautiful souls, young people, students returning from winter break.
Saturday the NY Times mocked Canada. The responses were varied, from anger (me, and others) to Gerry, who is a comic. Lee nailed it.
No word from our Provincial government.

In the Muskoka Room, Nutmeg jumped from the pillow in the foreground, to the door ledge, clung by her claws, then pulled herself up to the ledge. She sits out there in all weather. She was out in the -15 C. temps for the better part of an hour the other day. It poured rain all day Saturday, still she begged to go out.

I noticed that the aforementioned pillow was wet. I climbed up on the ladder, to check the eavestrough. I'm not sure why it is leaking out from the soffit vent. I cleared out some debris. We'll see what happens.

There is water everywhere. 2" of it... all flowing into the backyard into the aquifers.

The wind has been wicked. I don't know if it was the wind, or the raccoons that knocked my cupboard over. This motion detector light has been sturdy. It is affixed to the front of the cabinet. The arms bent, again, but it still keep on ticking. We so often leave the house, and don't realize we'll be home after dark. These solar powered lights, from Lee Valley, are amazing.

The goldfish pond. It rained all day, and it was about 10 C. for much of the day.

The driveway WAS all clear and melted. It is covered in a combination of snow pellets and snow this morning. While I've cleared the sidewalk, fed the deer, goldfish and cat, I'm going to wait to so any more.

This, I learned. Maybe. I climbed all the way up the ladder, with the cordless drill in one hand, the new bat box in the other (it was a gift), and two screws in my mouth. I made it to the top only to find the battery in the drill was dead. sigh.

Sunday morning, 7:30, it was raining, when I got up. JB was up at 4 a.m. and said it was snowing. At 8 a.m. it is snowing, again. We had nearly 50 mm rain Saturday.

There are more than 12,000 homes without power.
This morning was a bit of a shock.
I cleaned the birdbath yesterday. Sadly, it froze over. I went out in housecoat and jammies to check it out. The heater had come undone. I dodged a bullet. There was enough water that it didn't flash freeze. This was covered in a layer of ice.
We have happy critters, happy to be at the bird feeder. Well, IN the feeder.
...stay safe!
I was a bit surprised to see snow cover this morning.
Water water everywhere yesterday! What a mess. It is sunny here now at 10:30.
Hari OM
It's looking at your place pretty much how it is looking at my place... and the world mess affects us all... YAM xx
Stay safe and warm …
Meanwhile here in the UK ...
STORM Brendan will strike Britain, bringing with it 80mph winds and heavy rain, resulting in travel chaos across the country !!!
What a way to start a new week.
All the best Jan
We got about a foot of snow. Our tractor broke down trying to cleaning it up.This has indeed been a trying week.
You've had some brutal weather.
I got that false alarm emergency alert too.
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