After breakfast, presents. Dear Jean, all the way in New Zealand, sent me some lovely pieces. She is amazing.

These fun musical cards!

As always, when one has a birthday, the girls also get something.

Out we went to play. In the forest and on the frozen wetland. The goldfish pond is quite solid.

We went out to the island, at least the three of us. JL and Isabelle took off in their own direction!

Back indoors... the kittens did really well with the kids. I'd forgotten the kittens had spent 2 months at the vet clinic, looking for a home. Caitlin snuck ito the office to take photos of Josee with Nutmeg.

The kids made dinner, spaghetti carbonara and salad. The girls decorated the cake Caitlin had made. It was a lovely day.
Happy Biirthday, Jennifer. Looks like you were well feted.
Hi Jenn: Looks like you were well and truly pampered one way or another. And rightly so! All the best for 2020. I hope it will be a great year for you.
Happy Birthday to YOU! ~ Fun and happy photos ~ fun in the woods too!
Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Happy belated Birthday, Jennifer!
I see red is a dominant color in your house. Good choice as it is warm, energetic, vibrant. So, is your family gathered here to celebrate Christmas and your birthday.
The presence of the girls, the presents, the food on the table add a lot to the festivity of the year's last week.
Wishing you a New Happy Year!
I'm glad it was a good birthday!
Fun times! Happy belated Birthday! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week ahead!
Happy Birthday, I am so glad JB hid your parcel until the 26th. The colours suit you so well, especially with your headgear on!!! En joy.XXXXXXX
...I also have a December birthday, as a kid I thought that it was a bummer! Happy belated birthday and a happy New Year to you.
So nice that you had a great birthday with the fam.
Hari OM
Just about perfect! YAM xx
Sounds like a perfect day to me!!
Happy Birthday, spent doing all the things you love with people you love!
Happy Birthday Wishes … looks like a fun time.
All the best Jan
Happy birthday, another year wiser :)
Happy belated Birthday!
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