They are nice and bright on a sunny day.

I've been working hard on the yard. Moving the half barrel, using the tractor to flatten the dirt. This is where Isabelle helped me plant 70 daffodils.


Another frost warning, so in they came.

We've had an uptick... 'scue the pun!
Hooper has been bringing them in: 🕷️TICKS 2019. I used the anti-tick stuff on him yesterday.

That said, the tick totals are way down this year. Only 37. You can see how it compares to other years.

The dirt is moving. I haven't had much motivation, but I threw 4 or 5 loads around. I'm having some hip issues.

The fungus and toadstools are fun.

I began preparation for the fake tree. I turned it upside down and screwed the base to the top. I'll have to fetch the branches from cold storage.
The emptied goldfish pond. I'm hoping for rain to fill it up some.
Happy fall!
Fall clean up is big job.
It was -2 when I stepped out with Baya this morning. The sun came over the hill and lit the big orange tree afire! Mist started rising off all the hard surfaces.
Hope your hip feels better. Do you take Advil? I find it to be quite helpful for my back. I was dumping big planter buckets of spent earth yesterday and really feeling all that lugging today!
Hari OM
A lot of work, for sure, but oh so satisfying when done! YAM xx
Lots of manual labour but so-o-o satisfying when the project is completed. Hope your hips recover soon. Jennifer, despite diligent frisking, I found no ticks at all on cat friend, Ellie Mae this year. Hope the trend continues for next year.
Wonderful colours!
The joys of owning a big property.
I found a tick on my leg the other day from hiking in really tall grass. Won't do that for a long time coming. LOL
Beautiful autumn colors, and super neat critters.
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