Monday 28 October 2019

grailcam & reports

Now, my trailcam SD cards are my holy grail. I mistakenly typed grail, but thought it serendipitous.
We've had a few issues around here. Our wifi died. We replaced it. It's been pouring rain (48 mm –1.5") and Internet speed is horrid.
Hubby's computer died, we took it in. His browser, Chrome, was corrupted. Safari isn't much better. I'm not sure how to fix it.

Joe's also been cleaning out the cold storage room. We've had mice in there. Droppings are everywhere. He has been tireless in taking things out. The shredding: old papers, are gone. Everything has been put into new boxes. We'll have a dump run, at some point.

I was looking at the cement and insulation in the cold storage. I saw that newspapers had been used for some purpose. I wondered if I could see a date.

Can you read it? It's the anniversary of my birthday, Dec. 26, 1985. I guess now we know about when the house was built! My youngest was born in 1985!

The basement ceiling still needs repairs. 

Yes, cataracts are driving me nuts. Now I'm fighting a cold. Ah well. I know many are a lot worse off. I continue to blog every morning. It is my ritual. My routine. I like reflecting back on my days. It makes them much more exciting to reflect. As always, I really appreciate reader support and interaction. My days are always less traumatic when I reflect and I try to find self-deprecating humour in it. When I visit my client twice a week, three hours each, I embellish my stories to take her mind off her ills and her sick adult children. A daughter and husband are both in hospital. It's been awfully stressful.

Forest walkies

The dew on the fallen leaves was pretty. This is just my video camera, which doesn't do it justice. I hope you get the picture, though.

Hooper came with me on this day. I was so happy to have him there. I don't know what was in the foliage, as he sat on the end of the dock. There is about 4" of water on the pond now. It couldn't be mice friends! He stayed there quite awhile, then came back up to the house and sat in his little house for hours.

I've been trying to get him to go out in the day. He helped me garden the other day. It's safer, I think, what with our fisher, coyotes, et al. He doesn't bother with the birds in the day time.

The nice clean birdbath is getting visitors. We have had a small flock of grackles. It's hunting season, you can hear that in the video. Ducks now, and deer this week, I think.

Now, when I move the trailcams, which I like to do, I tend to either lose them or forget my routines. Here is evidence...


I know I've shown 'Butch' before, but this one actually wags its tail! I'm not sure what it was looking at. Likely another raccoon. Then, it starts to rain.


eileeninmd said...


Sorry about the cataracts, are you going to have surgery on your eyes? I do not like computer and wifi problems, but we have no control over internet speed. Cute photo of Hooper. I had a raccoon on the deck this morning, looking for bird seed. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

Karen said...

Sunday sure was a washout wasn't it?
I enjoy your walks in your back forty. I'm still too paranoid to step off the short path since the dog got her tick. Once it freezes up we'll be roaming the forest. Not a big fan of November here. It's too dark, damp and cold, but not cold enough, if that makes sense.
Does your cat still go out at night? We had a problematic fisher around here a couple of years ago, then he was dispatched, but a new one is showing itself.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Computer woes are the worst! Whether we like it or not, whether we admit it even, we have become totally dependent on these devices.

Jenn Jilks said...

@Eileen I was told, after my August appointment, I would have surgery in Sept. or Oct. Apparently, there is quite a backlog.

@Karen I've been trying to keep Hooper in at night, but that hasn't been working consistently. At least he's having a good life. sigh.

Linda said...

Record rainfall for Sunday here, lovely Monday, raking leaves - will it ever end. Cataracts are not fun, been there, done the surgery twice, had the laser jag surgery twice after a few years. Hope you can get yours sorted out.

Nancy J said...

2C at 12 a.m. quite cold for me, and what a cool fellow to wag his tail and then sit up. Wifi, I too have laptop problems, we pages will not open fully, and it is getting so slow.I think a new solid state drive might be in the picture very soon. Hooper no doubt has his own radar and knows when it's safe to wander in the dark of night. I try not to worry too much if Boris goes out in the night, one window is his doorway, as a week or so ago,another cat pushed open the big cat door, but that door is one way only, and when in he couldn't get out, so Boris defended his home to the most furious extent. Hugs, off to you know where this morningXXXX

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i have a lady i worked with at the post office who keeps saying she needs that eye surgery ... i feel for her & u. when it is something u use on the daily ... can not imagine. i know it is both ...but i think one eye is worse off?? we always have wifi issues ... i guess it has to do with the trees and where we live? no clue. but it sure does take patience, time and be calm. LOL!! have a great one! ( ;

Anvilcloud said...

Isn't home maintenance fun?

Christine said...

sounds like the computer had a virus. My husband downloaded cccleaner when it was free and I run it occasionally. It seems to clean things up.

William Kendall said...

Hooper seems quite relaxed on the dock.

Red said...

Retirement is a very busy time of life Houses and yards take lots of work to keep up.

Kay said...

Sigh... We're having electrical problems over here that are driving us crazy.

I'm sorry to hear about your cataracts. On the other hand, my friends have had the correction and love being able to see better.

Computer woes! Sigh... I hate those. I was just writing a post about my iPad driving me crazy.

Powell River Books said...

What fun to find a piece of history as you clean. We are getting a few mice on the cabin deck now that they are looking for winter homes, but so far none have made it indoors. I leave poison out. I hate to do that, but it is the quick kind and I don't like using snap traps. - Margy

Christine said...

Glad the new releases are doing well!