This would be update #52 [🛠️BALA HYDRO DAM] It's been very exciting. Here we are in Bala, in June. I've been updating the progress since 2008 [My Muskoka: Bala Falls Hydro Project -part 1]!

The Moon River

It was a power station before, back in the day. They dammed it up, originally, to better manage the water for profit: tourism and the ferry boats that provided goods and services. Why not harness the power?

Muskoka from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
I've jumped off this bridge!

A bit of moss on the roof, doesn't stop this store. They have been one of the strongest against the dam rebuild. It's been a pretty bitter battle.

Live Bait!! Love their words below. Progress, guess it happens all over the world, some good, some not, but details of the dam and the hydro plant should be kept in archives.As one of my elderly relatives once said " You do not miss the water until the well runs dry"!!!
There are always battles around demolitions and rebuilding. But when it's all over, and one sees the result, such as the Hydro Dam, bad feelings fade away.
You've done a fabulous job keeping records on the work's progress!
Interesting story about the dam Jenn...I can kind of see the Live Bait's side of it. Nice photos!
It's ages since we have been up to Bala, need to make more of an effort.
Jenn - always two sides to every argument … why is the bait store against the dam? Surely there will still be water flowing?
We'll have to wait and see what it ends up like.
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