It appears green, sitting on a green tablecloth. I took a photo with my phone, as well.
My inspiration... from our drive.

It's a good thing I managed my drawing Tuesday, at my client's house. Wednesday morning we took off to the the in-laws (see below). We had lunch at home, after the marathon.
Annual Cemetery Pilgrimage
Anyway, here was our trip to check on the old folks. Wednesday, May 8th, JB thought the day looked like a good one to go check out his folks. He put roses, for Mother's Day, on his family's graves. It was cold but sunny.

Some of the stones have heaved. JB goes every spring to check things out.

The cemetery tells us a lot about people. I once did a cemetery study with my students. It was interesting. This stone, Barrett, has the parents.

On the reverse, their four children.

I seldom do black and white photos, but this seemed fitting.

I should visit my parents, they are at the same cemetery.
Beautiful piece for PPF in the Jenn style!
What a lovely little landscape. The mountains are wonderful and of course, so is the little alien out front. He could come visit me too. :)
Beautiful black and white photo at the end. Very fitting indeed.
That's a fun sketch Jenn, I like how you have put your own personal twist on it. It's so important to pay our respects and tend to those gravesides I see so many left unattended when I visit my Grand Parents.
Happy PPF Tracey.
sweet! a feeling of joy in that sketch!
B&W, perfect f or the line of headstones. And a paint party, just like the photo, love it.Hope those sketches are all saved for a book or folio.
Sweet sketch - I love visiting old cemeteries! There are several need me, and we always went on Memorial day as I was growing up, more sporadic now ...
I find cemeteries to be quite serene.
I've always loved exploring old graveyards. One can find the most intriguing sayings and possible stories. Your artwork is wonderful. I especially enjoyed the little purple creature. :D
Love how you took your inspiration and made it your own. Giving respect is how we keep the memories alive.
The cute alien made me smile.
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