If I'm driving 15 minutes to visit my client, I give myself enough time to get there. If I do anything above the speed limit (80km), I get there too quickly. Clients know how upsetting it is when support staff are late. I try to get there just on time. I am constantly tailed, but I set the cruise control, and enjoy the drive.

Hubby was driving into Smiths Falls. He was taking it easy. The roads were slick.

This dude passed him. He drove on for another 3 minutes.
You see a car in the ditch and you hope it's the dude who just passed you, going too fast for the road conditions. It wasn't, but I wonder if the dude slowed down.
Slippy roads from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
People don't realize that at most you save a few minutes, if that, on a short trip. It's really silly.
I was driving the speed limit on Hwy 7 yesterday, right on the button. A school bus keep gaining on me. I was wondering if it would pass, and then one of us pulled off onto a sideroad, and I can't remember now whether it was the bus or me.
I live hundreds of miles south of you, but our area still has the same inconsiderate drivers!
I so agree road rage is a horrible things, these days.
Simply love your header photograph.
All the best Jan
Some people lack, among other things, patience.
It never fails to surprise me how there are some who take chances in bad weather conditions. An unexpected snow storm on one journey had many cars passing us at a high rate of speed, some of them in the ditch not so far down the road later. We wanted to pull over to get off the road but exits were always blocked by other cars stuck, and even jack-knifed semi's in spots. The only recourse was to keep going at a slow rate of speed and was never so more glad to get home safe and sound.
oh wow, great capture!
I pulled over for an ambulance yesterday. The car behind me, full of teenagers, pulled up BESIDE me and made rude gestures! I'm still enraged, well as enraged as I get, internalized. grrrrrr
We’ve often seen people in Chicago during the first snowfall take the icy roads too quickly and sometimes hitting black ice. People sometimes just don’t think.
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