June precipitation totals are not looking good, perhaps foreshadowing a hot, dry summer.
We have a heat warning, and I'm managing a cold. I was coughing much of the night. Happily JB sleeps through that. It's fun, too, sitting outside in the humidity, quietly reading, refraining from chores, then taking a quick dip in the kiddie pool!
That said, the berries are amazing! We're on box #3.
These are from a farm just 6 km down the highway, shop locavore! We had some BBQd ribs, also from down the highway. Ironically, someone wants me to review a book on eating vegan. I declined. It's difficult enough not cooking with dairy, yeast or eggs!
The evergreen out front is a bit droopy.

The catalpa tree is in full blossom. It hosts so many bugs.

Then, there is the clematis. Originally, there was a small, fake well beside it, but it hid the clematis from the sunshine. It was removed, when we had to replace the well intake line one winter. The clematis has thrived.

I have a newish rose plant.

The ants knew rain was coming.

love strawberries but not bugs :)
Strawberries, my all time favorite fruit! I admire those ants and their work ethics. Such clever little things but am glad to keep them out in nature and not in my house :). Gorgeous flowers!
We are enjoying fresh strawberries. There season is so sort, but that seems to make them all the sweeter.
Somebody said that our local strawberries were not good this year, but after what you said, maybe I will try anyway.
I've noticed that the water levels of the Rideau River in the city is looking low.
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