The crocus are coming up, so are the tulips and the daffodils. To my friends to the south, it's lovely seeing your daffies bloom. To my friends further north, things are on the way to blooming!

You'll note the daffies on the left, untouched. The tulips in the middle have been chopped off. Several were uprooted. sigh. There is beauty in the chopped off swirls of stem.

Mystery solved! The trailcam told the tale. I attached it to the stump. In the second photo s/he laughs! She needs a good brushing!

The daffies show such promise. I saw this photo in the catalogue, where they talk of 'naturalizing' and you have a carpet of beauteous yellow! That remains to be seen...

I pulled the bulbs and put them in the garden near the house! Wormie is guarding them...
Yes, I vaguely recall that about tulips, not that I need to worry about deer.
Squirrels eat the tulip flowers here but no deer around me in the city! ;-)
Yes, count on deer to do that!
I've been passing by spots where tulips are coming up, and I've noticed some tulips are coming up in places further away from the beds- a nod to mischievious squirrels replanting them!
Luckily!!! Wormie can not eat tulip bulbs ... :))
I love your critters and green creatures, Jenn.
Thanks for the friendly advice on that post which I have removed. I appreciate your friendship <3
At least that's a critter I don't have to worry about contending with. - Mary
Do you have any gorse, prickly shrub branches? The ones that do come up will be the real survivors.
Interesting that the daffodils are safe!
I don't think we'll ever get the message across to the deer that we like them but don't like our flowers.
I didn't know tulips were so delicious.
Critters love 🌷 but not daffodils. Rain today and lots of it.
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