It happened again, on May 1st, 7:45 a.m. I wrapped it in a towel to see if it would recover. It did not. I held it until it was gone. It was a massive hit.
I put the little body on the far lot. Some creature would benefit from it. Either the vultures or the coyotes.

Aww ... but you tried.
Awww, the poor thing.
Hari OM
The bird received such love and care into its end. That was special. YAM xx
Comfort till the end, the very best care you gave, and a place to lie and give back to other creatures, the life cycle continues.
It happens all the time: little birds victimized by vultures, coyottes and other bigger and stronger animals. The law of the jungle. It has, sadly, reached human society too.
The pictures of you with the dying little bird are very touching.
Sometimes they come around but do birds suffer concussion?
Oh the poor thing ...
But you tried.
All the best Jan
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