Here is the airline tracker for hubby! You can track a map, in real time, of all airlines as they come and go. You can track all flights, or plug in the flight number, i.e., This is our flight to the Dominican Republic 1788, on the 17th!
Poor JB is home in charge of cats, the thermostat, the litter box, bird feeders, watering indoor plants (orchid cactus, goldfish plant, violets), feeding the goldfish, heated birdbath, and snow (should it fall!).
It's a steep learning curve!

My nonegenarian client is quite worried about him! I've left him the recipe for crockpot oatmeal, which will do him for days. Also, I baked a big meatloaf, one of his faves, which he cut up and put in the freezer. And pasta in the freezer, so he'll be fine! She's going to phone him Saturday to make sure he is OK! (Her late husband loathed being alone.)
I'm not a good traveler. We haven't taken but 2 or 3-day vacays in ages. I have chronic insomnia, I'll see what happens.
The weather doesn't look great, but it will be warm!
The remaining cats, Daisy and Annabelle, will manage. Hubby walks Annabelle in the morning, Daisy in the afternoon. That'll be good. Daisy is still jealous of her sister.
I haven't taken a break from blogging in... well, ever! I hope I don't go through withdrawal. This is post #4173. See you in a week!

The orchid cactus has grown since last winter. I hope it blooms again! Hubby has strict watering instructions!

Hari OM
...and the sky will remain where it has always been and the flight's on time. See you (with lots of photos I am certain) on the return. ENJOY IT, my friend!!! YAM xx
Me too but only to the bare desolate woods of Ontario. Have fun.
Enjoy the sun, the sand, the time away, and a girls' fun time together. JB will be fine, can he txt? email? check our blogs? heat a meal? and care for the cats, goldfish, and cope with snow? I will keep looking at Accuweather to see if any is in the area. Have a wonderful time.Hugs.XXX
A girls' trip is the best! Enjoy!
Have fun!
Good for you. Enjoy the sun and warmth. - Margy
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