This was cute. The trailcam captured the yearling behind the momma. She was braver in the next photo.

The front yard is shelter for them. It is warm under the large pine trees. A couple settled down to chew their cud on the pine needles. You can see the traffic beyond them.

Good morning, cute deer. Great shots. Have a happy day and new week ahead.
What beautiful views you have everyday!
They must feel very safe under your trees to be so close to a road. Great shelter there, after heavy rain I can go out and right against tree trunks it can be dry and warm.
They certainly are used to you!
The deer with the broken leg is doing alright since it hasn't been taken down by coyotes. It's also managing to get enough food. I wonder if this bone has been knitted.
I wonder if they would survive without your help. Such a good feeling!!
Hi Jenn, wow, what a great haven for the deer. I'm amazed at how close the traffic is. They know where to come for a home sweet home! Cheers :D)
I suppose cars going by don't worry the deer at all as long as they don't slow down. I just wonder how much food they can get from a bird feeder Jen? They maut be very hungry when there's snow on the ground.
Oh fantastic photos and video of the beautiful deer ~ thanks,
Wishing you a lovely week ~ ^_^
Our deer would be fine without the deer food. They eat twigs and things, fill their tummies, but it makes hubby happy to feed them. We feed the birds, so what the heck!
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