Happily, the trailcam captured my friends, as well as my wood duck and mallard friends.
The raccoons surprised me on the dock. The one must have swum around to the end of the dock, as the others were guarding the cracked corn.

Back at the house Mr. and Mrs. Purple Finch were ticked off with the Pine Siskins! Way too much action for them.

We're still working on Buster. I brought up the 'dog house.'

Check out the coon buffet! Isn't that something?
Strangely we didn't get the hail. Today feels considerably more spring like though.
About your comment, yes, I've been following the MacLaren story... not surprising given the man's history. It's a bloody shame he, Hillier, and Gallant are in any kind of public office.
Pretty early in the year for a hailstorm. You've got lots of spring birds.
I love those cheeky little pine siskins. One lit on my hat (on my head) yesterday. Looks like April has swung her mood for the best. My winter holiday of loafing indoors is over. Tons of yard chores and wind damage for me to tackle. My trail cam has died. I can always enjoy your productions.
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