Sunday, 10 April 2016

Sunday Sketches: old barn

I was inspired by a barn. I'd begun reproducing one I'd seen on my travels. The poor old thing, falling apart. I found the missing boards and the crooked lines too difficult! It's awfully sad the barns that are falling apart. You wonder at the animals they sheltered, the hay bales they housed.

Buster snuggled on my lap, and I had to reward that. (Better than chasing one of his sisters!) So I grabbed my sketchpad and went to it. A warm, calm cat on my lap.

Things have calmed down at our house. Buster, specifically. I think it's the Feliway. Wish we'd tried it sooner. He chased Daisy, but she's on her own. She chased Annie. (SIGH) Dorah is still wary, and spends most of her time in our bedroom. This is OK. She's safe, ventures out for food and litter box visitations. Everytime I walk by I brush her.

I thought of tree stumps, and other mental images. I am horrible with horses, and most other animals...

I had to include my little alien, as my late client always looked for them when I did drawings at his house. My contribution to Sunday Sketches! I travel virtually amongst REAL artists! They are inspiring!
Sunday Sketches!


Olga said...

I always think it sad to see gravity left to do its thing with those old barns. I noticed that alien right away and was glad you explained it.

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

Good job on your barn sketch. So many barns around here are falling down due to neglect. I did start taking photos of them last year, must add to them this year whenever the weather decides to co-operate.

DeniseinVA said...

Your Sunday sketches are lovely. I enjoyed them, along with the little alien :) The old barn is still beautiful in its decline. And must mention your header shot. Fantastic!

Anvilcloud said...

A warm cat on the lap is a good thing that I miss.

Christine said...

Lovely sketch Jenn, you keep getting better and better.

Anonymous said...

beautiful barn and i love how dsecribed it too!

Ginny said...

I loved your sketch. There were so many interesting things to look at and wonder about. It would make a great story.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Hi Jenn... am back in Dunoon (finally) and my sister (the Maestro's mum) came and spent a couple of nights we me at long last; we had a super time together after too many years... but as we dotted about the locale, we saw many old buildings going derelict and were wondering as you have here at the 'letting go' of such places. I was telling 'Mac1' about impending visit to you and about Buster... so glad to read that he has settled! YAM xx

Barbara Casillas said...

Your sketch has a very sweet folk art quality to it. It reminds me of some my father did when we would sit down and draw together. A very nice memory.

William Kendall said...

The bird dipping bottoms up in the pond catches my eye.

SonjaK said...

Such a pretty sketch! Love all of the happy colors you used.

carol l mckenna said...

Such a sweet and homey sketch!

Wishing you a Happy Week Ahead ~ ^_^

Debbie said...

i love the old barns, i see them as magnificent. they represent working hard and everything that is good about this country!!! your sketch is beautiful, it may not be perfect but it is authentic, non-cookie-cutter and that's what i like most about it!!!

Jennifer Rose said...

love the little flag :D