Robins, sadly, are no longer harbingers of spring, even up here in Canada. All About Birds has dispelled that myth, although they call them 'the quintessential early bird.' The debate is whether it is Climate Change, or simply weather patterns.Anyway, I posted a few photos of my visitor on the bird bath, one of my experts said it was a female. That made me curious. Hence my rant on education. It is easy to do some research. I am determined not to take any more courses! The females have more white in their breasts than the males. All About Birds is a bit vague, but the female American Robin has a black tip on its beak (as do males sometimes). They say it 'usually forages on the ground.' You can see mine on the sumac, eating berries, which is all that is left for them to eat in the snow.

Also featured: baby robins I snapped in Bala back in 2009-ish, up on the eavestrough, while standing on a railing!

Of course, many of my faithful readers will remember Batman Not Robin. I him took in when he was half-blinded, and abandoned by his parents who were frantically caring for his sibling, who ran away into the forest. I think he was attacked by a predator, and fell from the nest too early. I gave him a bath, cleaned up his eye, and put him in the dog kennel.
Juvenile Robins are more dappled.

Beautiful shots!
Hari OM
Whenever and whatever, it's a bonny wee birdie!!! YAM xx
I think we are getting more robins in winter and I think we've always had a few robins in winter. I've seen winter robins for a long time.
Hello, great series on the robins. They are beautiful birds.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!
Such wonderful robin photos and also information! Great post! The videos of little Batman (not Robin) were wonderful! So amazing that the cat didn't bother him!
love the robin photos, we can hear them chirping around the house but I haven't spotted any let
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