That was Friday, on Saturday, we had some snow. Happily I have a deer shed to look for somewhere on our 16 acres!

Then there is Annabelle.
It's taken her a year. Seriously. She knows we feed the other cats on the counter. She has never ventured up there out of fear or respect. Finally, it's done. It was very easy to feed them separately when she didn't go up there, since they are on specific foods. sigh. What was I thinking, four cats?!

Hello, wonderful post and photos of your deer. It seems this week is the week for deer critters. They are beautiful animals! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!
I'll take four cats any day!!!! Sweet.
And, love the deer photos.
Great deer photos!
Lovely cat!
Have a great week-end!
What better entertainment than a live wildlife show in your own backyard. Annabelle has arrived!
Ah, but four cats can be such fun too!
I guess you'll find that antler in the snow somewhere, and Annabelle, she has it all sorted out. We have 3, once we had 5, and the ginger toms that were strays were the most polite men of all, and always waited till the others had eaten, then looked for their own dish. How can a cat know his feeding dish is a certain colour???
Great photos of the deer and your sweet Annabelle. Four cats must be a whole lot of fun but must keep you busy too.
Deer can really put on a show. We hardly ever see a deer herd this big.
I imagine you will find the antler after the snow melts -- if the mice don't nibble it away first. The males look so funny up on their hind legs, almost like a dance.
Four cats is a lot but one can never have too many! I would have many more if I could afford to care for them. In fact, I think I could easily become a Crazy Cat Lady with a houseful! They are so easy to love.
Hari OM
Ooohh Annabelle - settled at last! Love the deer... YAM xx
The deer are gorgeous animals. We have deer here to but we hardly ever see them.
@Cynthia, the coyotes steal the sheds. I have little chance, methinks.
The deer fighting are females! Most of our males still have their antlers. Highly unusual for the season, but it has been mild.
Cats are strange critters, I often wonder what mine are thinking!
bambi!!!! always a favorite!! truth be told, i am not a cat person but both of my sons love them!!!!
Having four cats sure is complicated when they all need different foods! LOVE the deer!
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