The girls were given a cute playhouse by their caregiver. Isabelle wanted her photo taken in the window! Such hams!

Selfie with Josephine!

Josee knows the drill: look at the camera, Cluny! Then she ran beside me, to draw Cluny's attention.

I had made books for the girls, including a selection of their photos from my computer archives. They were thrilled! Much better than a photo album, these they can look at for bedtime, and all. It was a wonderful project to keep me occupied during my forced rest. Isabelle was intent on finding Jesse in the book, and showing him, before she would permit him to look at the whole book! She is wearing the dress I made for her! What fun!

I included a photo of Uncle Jesse in the book, from his famous YouTube video. They watched this video over and over again when they were young! They loved his yelp as he jumped into the frozen lake.

Grampa had taken Josee shopping last week. She had eyed this necklace, too expensive for a 'Close Eyes' trip, but he went back to buy it for her birthday! Aunt Stacie put it on for her!

Grampa ordered a carrot cake for the party. (He's been a busy man while I languished!) I think he is fighting my cold, which sounds like Croup! Isabelle has it, too.

When did this baby get to be 8 years old?!
We were just leaving when adult child #3 arrived with his girlfriend. So typical. We hadn't seen them since the wedding in Vancouver in 2014, despite the fact that they live in Ottawa. They don't have a car anymore and it is a long trip out to see us. However, by this point my voice was going, I was coughing again, and JB wanted to drive home before dark.
I am Typhoid Mary, standing in the middle. They didn't want to touch me!
I can imagine they had a wonderful time, the three siblings, their SO's, and our 3 children together!

Happy Birthday to Josee! Fun times and photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!
Looks like a grand time was had by all! They do grow up so fast.
Time flies, doesn't it?
What a party, and beautiful family photos, this is the stuff that dreams and memories are made of. ( stuff is not a great word to use, but it seemed to fit right in today)!!!
It's great to be together and great for the sibs too. This was almost like a Christmas party. You know , you gave me your cold! I am getting over it.
What a wonderful gathering, a beautiful baby and happy birthday to Josee!
Happy, happy birthday, Josee! What a wonderful party! My granddaughter loves the books I make her too.
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