Friday, 4 December 2015

Still in the land of the living...

Cluny in August
She's now 6 months old!
Praise be for Ontario healthcare. My hubby/nurse made an appointment; GP fit me in on the morning.  He is a new, young doctor and has helped us work our way through various treatment plans with hubby's cancer. Daresay he's younger than some of my children! Anyway, while many kick a cold virus single-handedly, I cannot.

I have antibiotics. I am the 20% who cannot not recover from sinusitis and a viral chest cold that's gone bacterial. Sadly, I could not do Facetime with the kids and granddaughter #3 (adorable Cluny), newly arrived from B.C. for a visit, but they are here two weeks. As with many of my blog buddies who were teachers, it hits us in the voice box and/or lungs, and this is the case for me. I'm sure she is having a blast with her cousins. It's not about me!

I would love to go outside, but it is damp and we've had a too-mild November. We hover around the freezing rain mark. I'm sure the animals do not know what to make of it. In conversation with my shed collecting expert, Justin Hoffman, we've decided that rutting season, and therefore antler collecting, will be delayed. Last year it was January before they dropped them. I'm glad I am not missing anything!

I've learned from this bout of illness. I cannot fight it. Any physical activity and I end up wheezing. Hubby, the guy with cancer, is vacuuming around me. I embrace it!

Text-to-voice application on iPad
Being sick gives me a better understanding of my clients – having to lie low. Happily, what with 24/7 news shows and silly talk shows, we can take it easy, and find something to occupy our minds. I recall my client, with ALS, who had a text-to-speech iPad, which facilitated communication. She was aged 70-something and had learned a new trick.

I miss my clients! I hope they miss me!


Nancy J said...

The clients will miss you heaps, Jenn. I know when something happens to me, bed rest and lots of it is the only way back to normality.Let Mr J whizz that vacuum cleaner around, do the phoning, grocery shopping, laundry, feeding all the critters outside and in, and this does not mean YOU!!! Maybe the cats and deer, and do you have bird feeders too? Take care, rest some more. Hugs to you both.

Powell River Books said...

I would love to find an antler, but don't know where to look. We have deer, but none right in our area. - Margy

William Kendall said...

It's no fun being sick. Get your rest.

Red said...

I'm missing a healthy Jennifer. Kick this thing!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh my dear Jenn... Get better soon. Total bummer being down, but you have the background and wherewithal to understand it and know to do what you've gotta do ( or actually NOT do what you don't have to!). Take care.

eileeninmd said...

So sorry you are not feeling well, I hope you get better soon. Cluny is adorable. Happy weekend!