This is a cute book, sent to me for review. Definitely a book by a man, for boys, however! Three boys on a bike, seriously! It is rewarding making music with and for kids. They are an honest audience!
I like books that combine music and stories, and this has that plus the author is also the illustrator! Good for him for earning a living writing, drawing, performing and singing! As the PR says, it is a 'whimsical adventure' that makes me think of times long gone: going to the Country Store! The artwork is amazing. We have a few country stores remaining in Ontario: Rosseau and Clayton come to mind!
Do you have a country store near you?
Country Store takes children on a fun-filled adventure
Tim Noah, who has received 9 Emmy awards for his work as a composer and producer, has written, illustrated and produced a new, children’s story, song, and picture book titled Country Store.
Walkin’ down the road with a nickel in my hand
Goin’ to the Country Store
Now walkin’ down the road I met my friend named Bob
He asked me “Wha’cha’ walkin down the road for?”
“Fiddley-diddley-diddley-dee’,” I said
“I’m goin’ to the Country Store”
About Tim Noah
Tim Noah is an Emmy award winning songwriter and producer, nationally acclaimed recording artist and star of stage and screen. When he was fourteen, Tim entered a contest sponsored by a popular radio station and was awarded a portable record player and a plaque that read "Seattle's Most Talented Young Singer".
Nice to have a children's book for boys. Not sure it would be an easy read with all the informal spelling to make the words sound like everyday speech. Early readers have enough trouble figuring out common words. - Margy
I've never heard of this guy but it sounds like he has it all.
Sounds cute. As I live in the city, no, but I remember country stores here and there where I grew up.
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