Friday 21 August 2015

Vancouver homes and buildings, murals

I loved the range in buildings and homes. You'll spot a small, reasonable bungalow, and next door a huge place. The land is worth so much. Many have big bucks and want to live in Greater Vancouver.
The cost of living downtown is huge. Richmond was being built up in the 80s, part of Metro Vancouver, as well as other suburbs like Surrey, includes about 2.5 million. It's a grand city.

This was a hoot!

Then there are the murals!
They have redone the legion.


William Kendall said...

A lot of modern architecture there, and I notice some Asian influences!

Nancy J said...

From small to tall, and magnificent!!! I always wonder who washes all those windows, specially the outside ones??? Cleans the spouting? And the rates and insurance? Lovely street scenes from your camera.

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

Such a difference in building styles. We also noticed in Victoria that they will use any piece of land and build on it, making for some unusual sized lots and steep driveways.

Rose said...

I really enjoy how you let your photos do the wish I was seeing the places for myself.

Red said...

Some places are a bit haphazard. I find Vancouver depressing when it rains and is dark.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
That's quite the array of architecture! I do enjoy murals... YAM xx

EG CameraGirl said...

The house prices are CRAZY there. I don't know how anyone can afford it except for the very rich.