Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Osprey on the nest

Heavily cropped, this is the best I could do!
I am always amazed with the ways that wildlife can adapt to human encroachment into their territory. I asked hubby to pull off while I took photos of this massive nest. I was sure it would be an eagle, but it was a pair of osprey. The one flew off to another hydro tower, as I stood far away.

We have osprey in human-made nests along a corridor between Merrickville and Port Elmsley. These nests were a little easier to photograph. They are amazing birds.


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

So funny how they will have their nests on poles and wires that don't look like they could support the big things. It is the same here.

Olga said...

It is great that some of these birds of prey are coming back so strong.

Olga said...

It is great that some of these birds of prey are coming back so strong.

William Kendall said...

It does end up making a good perch for them.

Out To Pasture said...

What a precarious location for the osprey to choose. I wonder if the hydro maintenance people are concerned. Best of luck to the osprey family.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Fabulous feathers fluttering! There are osprey in Scotland of course, but not as accessible as yours! Beauts. YAM xx

Cloudia said...

wow cool, Jenn!

( '>

ALOHA from Honolulu,

Gill - That British Woman said...

funny place to call home!!

Red said...

Watching ospreys catch fish is one of the greatest shows you will ever see.

Kay said...

Good grief! That's a huge nest!