Lady Annabelle is not a cat who jumped up on tables before she arrived at our house. She was a barn cat, and doesn't seem to appreciate getting up on top of things like the others. Until now. The cats have been thoroughly training her!
Daisy still has scars on her nose from her trip to the vet for shots. She was adamant about not wanting to be in that cage! She wanted to cave, and crawled under my newspaper. Dorah wanted to help out.

Well behaved cats? from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Little dweebs on the table!
How cute, seeing Daisy under your newspaper. Happy Sunday!
I always love the twins, and must admit I can't tell them apart unless they're side-by-each.
If sitting on the table is a sign of a successfully settled cat, then Annabelle seems to have found a home.
Luv, K
We have had only one who liked to lie on the table, specially if I had sewing laid out. Maybe they wanted to share the daily news.
Newspapers make for good burrowing spaces!
Hari OM
the words 'train' and 'cat' are generally not connected... just sayin' &*> YAM xx
I have a kitty that loves to get under things...he will run and slide under the throw rugs...I am not even admitting to the table exercises.
Have you ever seen the videos of Maru on youtube? If not you might enjoy them...I have never seen a cat like boxes as much he does.
Cats are always well behaved, aren't they? It's their pet parents that need all the training. - Margy
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