Monday 22 December 2014

Some fun photos: deer, Buster, Daisy's butt, pileated woodpecker!

Our house reflected in the Christmas bulb!
Shot from inside the window, with the zoom lens.
Another visit from the two females and the yearling. I'm too slow to capture a photo of her tongue out. I ended up just snapping wildly on the 'sports' setting and deleting the outtakes. What we love is how they line up on the same side, vigilant for predators.

Indoors, there is trouble in Dodge City. Buster came in from the cold (-7 C.) and wanted to sit on Daisy's heater. Daisy wanted to watch the fish.

Another opportunity, just a fluke that I was at the window and the camera was nearby.
A pileated woodpecker was after bugs in the cedars. She ended up landing under the tree house, moving to the stump beside my canoe.


Judy said...

You got a few images of the deer with her tongue out!! Aren't you glad we don't have to worry about film any more, and can just snap away!!!
I love the pileated woodpecker!! You seldom see them!!!

DeniseinVA said...

Loved these fun photos. The reflection of your home in the ornament was clever and impressive.

William Kendall said...

The cats must each day negotiate a diplomatic minefield between themselves.

Beautiful deer shots, and that woodpecker's colourful!

Nancy J said...

Super photos Jennifer, you were there at the perfect time. Colours to brighten against white snow, so Christmassy!!! Happy Greetings to you both and all the other family members at your home,(Daisy,Buster,Sady, and the deer) have a wonderful time together, Hugs and more, Jean.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Those are amazing pictures for 'accidental shooting' .... I am so impressed.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your home reflected in the ornament could be a Christmas Card with a little editing. Lovely. And I meant to wish you and your sweet husband and your family a Merry Christmas in case I don't get back to you again before the Day.

Christine said...

lovely photos, you have lots of company!

Red said...

The deer are always very alert. the pileated is an impressive bird. I got one in my bird count yesterday.

The Furry Gnome said...

Great pix of the Pileated!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Wow that woodpecker is a magnificent bird! Your deer always warm the heart.

Thanks for all the comments Jenn - Am travelling over to Edinburgh today and may not be around for comments for a couple of weeks ( know how it can be!) so just final wish for the season and will be back in full force 2015... (have 'loaded' the blogs so will still be around, just a bit erratic). Note that I have put a contact's box on the WildYAM page now - would be very happy to hear from you! Blessings and hugs YAM xx

Powell River Books said...

That first shot could be a Christmas card. - Margy