Feb. 3, 2015
They have started falling over here now, just waithing for the trees in our garden to shed their leaves, then I getthe job of collecting them.
You have captured beautiful colors. Our leaves are mostly on the ground today.
You've still got a lot of leaves left ...and colorful too!
Ours have been slow to turn this year, as it has been quite wet.
Lovely array of fall photos and very creative presentations!
Beautiful array of fall photography! Very creative!
Lovely fall photos. Your bullfrog friend is great in the earlier post!
very pretty color!
They are gorgeous. Most of our leaves have blown off.
Not too many of those spots left around here. Nice to see that the colours are still alive in your neck of the woods.
Beautiful Autumn colors. I've heard some say this wasn't a great year for it, but sure looks like it was in your neck f the woods.
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They have started falling over here now, just waithing for the trees in our garden to shed their leaves, then I getthe job of collecting them.
You have captured beautiful colors. Our leaves are mostly on the ground today.
You've still got a lot of leaves left ...and colorful too!
Ours have been slow to turn this year, as it has been quite wet.
Lovely array of fall photos and very creative presentations!
Beautiful array of fall photography! Very creative!
Lovely fall photos. Your bullfrog friend is great in the earlier post!
very pretty color!
They are gorgeous. Most of our leaves have blown off.
Not too many of those spots left around here. Nice to see that the colours are still alive in your neck of the woods.
Beautiful Autumn colors. I've heard some say this wasn't a great year for it, but sure looks like it was in your neck f the woods.
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