Sunday 21 April 2013

Muskoka Region is being flooded - mayors have declared an emergency

Here are some of the latest reports. From Muskoka News Watch, my friend, Norah Fountain:

How different is this flood? Consider this: In the largest flood events in recent memory, the MNR says the water peaked at the Big East at about 170 cubic metres per second. In this flood, the Big East peaked at 230 cubic metres per second. The Big East crested Saturday at 2 a.m., as measured by the MNR’s Williamsport day logger, which is upstream from the Town of Huntsville.

Bracebridge dam in normal times...

My friend, reporter, Norah Fountain, Muskoka News Watch

See more posts and photos from my friend, Nancy, at Bondi Village

Twitter is wild with photos...
Moon River 42" above normal At upper limit of usual spring freshette Lake Muskoka 5" above normal DANGER-N Bala Falls safety boom broken10am, April 21st.

From Tony Clement
Washout! District Rd 35 closed at Hwy 141, & you see why with my photo:

Roads closed, homes evacuated in central Ontario flooding

Ontario Provincial Police say they expect more roads to be closed and more homes evacuated as the flooding continues in central Ontario. 5:39 PM ET  video


Travis Erwin said...

Stay safe!

lorik said...

These photos are really interesting to look at but scary as well. I have never experienced anything like this... as Travis says, stay safe.