Sunday, 7 April 2013

More artwork!

I did another stint sitting with my respite client.
To relax, whilst there, I did another drawing. This time I took an art book with me. It helped to get some ideas! Christine is my inspiration!
Linking to Sunday Sketches, thanks to Alexandra for hosting!


Anonymous said...

lovely ~ love the butterfly especially ~ ^_^ Happy Day

Alicia C said...

what adorable happy sketch! Reminds me of the spring to come

Unknown said...

Love the little butterfly...flying in to say it's Springtime...:)

Deanna said...

Cute little sketch, so many flowers for Spring. I love your blog header also.

Victoria said...

So beautiful..I love the poetic way the flowers gently hang down..and that sweet little butterfly..Lovely..gorgeous color palette!
Happy Sunday Sketches!
PS: small world, I live in Ontario too!

Christine said...

Jenn, thank you. And you can't go wrong with flowers, wonderful spring flowers!

sharon said...

Lovely sketch. love that butterfly

Unknown said...

I love how the one flower seems to be reaching out to the butterfly. So sweet!!

Kay said...

This is a happy sketch. I was motivated after seeing Christine's artwork, but then I've lost the momentum. Maybe now that I've seen yours, I'll try again.