Thursday, 21 March 2013

Celebrating our seniors!

Allan (left) is Willard's usual Meals on Wheels delivery man.
Willard is sitting. Perth Mayor John Fenik (right).
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit with Willard Shaw. He is a wonderful man, with many great stories. He lived on a farm in Drummond Township. His son bought the farm from him, and Willard, and his late wife, moved into his apartment.

His photos are amazing, showing him with his work horses (Belgians or Clydes) and wagon, and an aerial photo of his farm.

published by my publisher, GSPH!
He was a Deputy Reeve for three years, a Reeve for nine years and he was on County Council for twelve years. He was Warden in 1988.

You may wonder why I was visiting...
it was because it was a photo-op!
Yesterday was Mayor for Meals day. This young EMC journalist, Desmond Devoy, and Paige, his photographer, were there to cover the story. Willard has been getting Meals on Wheels since May, 2006. He tells us it is a great way to have personal contact, his volunteers who deliver the meals are his friends and ask after him. Most MoW volunteers are the front line for these clients. They are able to check in on them, ensure they are well, and managing their health issues. It is a vital part of providing Home Care. (Dispatching Meals on Wheels in Ontario)

I was there to take photos for our upcoming Community Home Support Lanark County newsletter ( I am the editor, and enjoy volunteering my time this way, as well as doing hospice volunteering on a regular basis (Why do I volunteer in palliative care?). I have written many a newsletter to the parents of my students, as well as being the editor for a number of professional publications during my career. It is enjoyable to be able to volunteer using these skills! It keeps me up on technology, as well!


Cloudia said...

Thanks, Jenn for this humane post!


Red said...

Willard probably hasn't had that many people visit him at one time for 30 years. Many people here appreciate meals on wheels the same as Willard. Our volunteers feel like they get more out of it than the people who get the meals.