Saturday, 5 January 2013

Buster and Daisy - a peaceful Yin Yang nap

It was peaceful until I woke Daisy up!
Buster with his paw around her.

Yin and Yang
Then Dorah arrived and began to alternately lick and bite her big brother.

Then Buster returned the favour: first you bite, then you groom. Daisy went back to sleep.
Then Dorah jumped on the peacefully sleeping Diasy.

Buster is going to be 2 years old at the end of March. Daisy and Dorah were born sometime in August, the vet doesn't know exactly when or where. Buster is the best foster brother ever. Big sister, Sady, also a rescue cat, isn't really happy with her siblings.

CC #248
Sady dreams of spring
when everyone else goes out to play
She glares at them from the window!


eileeninmd said...

Wonderful collection of your cute kitties! Have a great weekend!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Cat interactions are just hilarious.

sandyland said...

very charming duo and the backgrounds compelling way to start my Saturday !!

Kay said...

These are such cute photos. I love the yin and yang of it.

Jidhu Jose said...

cute shots

Latane Barton said...

What cute kittens, Jennifer. They must make you smile alot. Have a happy new year. or is it too late to say that? hehe

TexWisGirl said...

really cute yin and yang! :)