Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Art in the Garden

Giraffelope - built her myself!
My regular blog readers know I love my garden art. Inspired by Scot Dobson, who built our heritage fence, I built a giraffelope.

Scott has a display of the different styles of fencing in Lanark County.

Love Scott's work, or is it play?
Father's Day weekend in Perth, Kiwi Gardens hosts its annual outdoor show. A grand day for all!
Music, good food, as well as garden art of all kinds. I wish I had all the money in the world, since we have the space, because some are fantastic. 

She matched her subjects!

What a feast for the eyes!
Whimsy, as well as creativity!
These are amazing!
These are magical
Hubby's arm & moose!

For all of the photos:


Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing us here! gin

TexWisGirl said...

i love the giant pine cones!

Linda said...

I love garden art, but don't have any big pieces. They always amaze me, but the cost stops me from getting them.

Linda said...

And if I had all the money in the world, we would be fighting over who gets those pieces! They are magnificent! Love the pine cones...

Red said...

Awesome stuff. You gave us a great tour.

Powell River Books said...

Very interesting garden art, especially your hand made giraffelope. The huge pine cones are amazing. - Margy

Christine said...

this is quite the art show Jenn!

arvind said...

Great place and thanks for sharing.

DUTA said...

I'm very much in favor of open air art shows. This one in the Kiwi Gardens is lovely!

My favorite exhibits are the women figurines in the picture above the video.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love garden art, sometimes more than the gardens.

Anonymous said...

Such lovely art!

Unknown said...

You could use the pieces from the picture titled "Love scott's work, or is it play?" could be used as fencing, couldn't it?