Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Gardening trials and tribulations

Veggie garden - hubby will paint the fence.
The deer, of course, leap it.
My snow peas... I protected with this frame.
So far, so good.
But something has been in the garden.
Buster was smelling something on the chicken wire that protects the watermelon seedlings.
Happy boy!

Then I went to do the lawn. I won't say grass, as it is mostly Devil's Paintbrush and daisies!
It is fun work, as the song sparrow distracts me.
butterflies distract me!
Happy little aphid eaters!
Catalpa tree is in blossom - see the bug inside?
I am the new treasurer for our local park. Hours on the computer figuring out the spreadsheet design, and reporting our expenses. Then the goldfish pond has had some issues. Can't find the leaks. sigh
You can see 4/6 fishies!

It is tricky doing yard work. Usually I have to avoid the leopard frogs. I ran over a wood frog, noticed it on my way back. I couldn't bear to see if it was OK later...
Today I had to avoid a garter snake!

See it in the grass?

Hell bent for my garden!


Linda said...

I am not a big fan of the "no-feet" and certainly wouldn't want to see one in my garden...if I had one! It matters none to me if they are dangerous or not - they may not hurt me, but they sure make me hurt myself!

Red said...

This keeps things very interesting for you. Never a dull moment.

Powell River Books said...

Sorry to hear you've had critters in your garden. Got my fingers crossed for you peas. - Margy