straight rows |
everything greening up |
Farmers feed cities, all they are all busy in S.E. Ontario! Even landscaping companies. Soon it will be time for veggie gardens. I must get busy...
busy spot |
major silos |
Handy things |
wind was blowing |
The old home and buildings are gone |
We drove by
Hubbies family farm, 1950s - this is where the house sat, now a pond. At the time, no electricity, plumbing...-they moved into town when he was ten years old (1959). He wrote a guest post awhile back, about life on the farm. Here is a snippet:
One day, I went into town with my grandfather on the buggy. Even in the 50's a buggy in town would draw a crowd. Anyway, my grandfather left me in the buggy while he visited his brother at the mill. The horse got bored or hungry, at any rate, to my embarrassment, he continued the journey around town, with me and buggy in tow, despite my best efforts at whoo. The town itself was a village of 600 or so then, I think.
We visited the family gravesite, the town cenotaph, as well as the church where he was an altar boy!
HOw fun to read old family stories like that and fun for you to get acquainted with the history of your new home that way.
Farming was hard then and still hard now. So much is dependent on the weather!
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