Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Jebb's Creek has a cold tenant

Jebb's Creek, east side of Rideau Ferry Rd.
It was surprising. A beautiful spot. We usually drive by and I sneak a peek.
Jebb's Creek, west
 Look more closely, though. We drove into town, and I spotted this critter standing on the ice.

I made JB stop the car on the way back, just across the bridge, and walked back north to see if the critter was still there.

By the time we returned, a couple of hours later, it *was* nestled back in the open water, now on the west side of the bridge, hiding from me behind the snowy rock.

  The ice on the east side had melted. No more ice walks for it. The poor thing look frightened and frozen. it really hunkered down behind the snowy rock.

Tay River, Perth, ON
Jebb's Creek runs into the Tay River, seen here in the middle of the town of Perth (settled in 1816).
Tay River, Perth, â™¬ summertime â™ªâ™«â™©â™ª

It regularly freezes and thaws in the colder weather, but it never freezes completely.

The Tay, seen best at the southern end of Wilson St., Perth, is one of my favourite spots.

There is a cafe right at the corner, with outdoor patio in summer, festivals, too.

I am really looking forward to patio weather again.
Port Elmsley, ON - amazing building remains!


Grandma K said...

Did he miss the group leaving for here to finish out the winter. Perhaps he knew we were going to have a bear of a winter too, and decided to stay there.

Linda said...

Sounds like a bit of Scotland has been exported to you - we have a River Tay that runs through the (small) city of Perth. I'll try to post a photo at some point so that you can compare.

Jenn Jilks said...

@Grandma K, not sure. I know s/he can move around.

Thanks for visiting *my* Perth, Linda!